Friday, May 30, 2008

Late Spring Update

It's been over a month since I've written. I feel like a sloth for having shirked my duties as writer, but want the dear readers to know that we've really been busy on the home front. We've moved into our new home, are wrapping up school for summer for the girls and for myself as well.
It has been great to move into our home, unpack and find a place for everything. The best part is mostly to have a home to call our own since we left the States in September 2007! We went from sailboat to small cottage to a home. With the gradual step up in living space sizes, I've learned that I can really live with a lot less than what we have. Everything from clothing to toiletries to kitchen wear to just plain STUFF! We paired down before leaving the States and will have to store or get rid of more as we just don't have room for all in our new space. Mattias, (man of many ideas), had the idea to open an antique store which is something worth pondering. We have many antiques, I like to shop at auctions so could be a good fit...we'll see.
The girls are happy to have a place to call their own. Their own newly decorated rooms with all their girly things. I am happy that they are happy in the new home. We have all been sleeping like babies back in our own beds. We feel the stress of moving around has caught up with us and now that we can relax, we are tired! We still have a bit of painting in the hallway to finish up, some trim work to do and the kitchen remodel needs to be finished. Then we can get the mud room laundry organized and so on.. So close, but we'll get there.
The girls are winding down school now. A successful first 5-6 months in Sweden. Both girls have adapted to social and school life in Sweden, are on their way to becoming fluent with the language and like the life here. We couldn't have asked for better school or dagis for Liv and Hanna. Liv was in her class performance with 3 other girls. They did the dance to Superstar for the Kaberet event. Hanna's class has been studying farm animals. Handy the cow farm is just across the road from her dagis and the sheep farm is in walking distance away. Today Hanna was to be a sheep for her performance, end of school thing. Well, Pappa is attending that as I am in the States now for several events. (no, not celebrating first trip alone without kids--well, I did have 3 nights alone once). My nephew is graduating from college, my dear friend is getting married in Utah and my sister has a BIG birthday. So, timing is good! Plus a bonus of getting a bit of time with friends so time will go fast while I am here.
Since I am in the States now, I'll miss my end of school events. Our class is planning a picnic at the beach in Onsala. I'm sorry to miss it as I have made several nice friends from class. I hope to have a little fest at my house this summer anyway so we all can keep in touch. I will continue my Swedish studies in the Fall and learned that I can advance a level now! I will really have to put the pedal to the metal after the summer since we will be focusing a lot more on grammar. It was tricky when I was in Junior High, and tricky now....but a good challenge for me!
Well, I had an odd burst of energy after arriving in MN tonight, but suddenly feel tired and have a craving for PEANUT BUTTER! Think I'll go make myself a piece of toast.

Nighty, night!